Friday, February 5, 2010


went swimming just now.. random right? i was watching 康熙來了 then spill my cup of water on floor..
was playing the water on ground with my feet.... then you know what happen.. xD got too happy/excited playing la.. haha...
went rp's haha!

aye guys aussie shit is back... so tuck in ur legs so u can spring out of ur couch when i sms you...

haha.. julian is back till 25th.. wtf again he dua us by giving us short notice and no time to meet..
alright i can smell lots of outing coming... hopefully.. =)

it's been so long i can't rmb how long.. i'm gonna have a sea/water-less, rock-less, rope-less saturday tomorrow...

i'm pretty lost(and some extent sian + lonely) cos my friends are all busy and know that my sat is always not available.. (just now when i ask lian out tomorrow.. he:"tomorrow? i tot ur sat is forever burned? why not we meet sunday") what?! aussie haven been back sg for at least a year.. how he know?! so that's how my last year was too?
and shitty sunday i got trng.. =/

maybe i should just give myself some slag and start meeting out with friends again... or maybe i should just train harder on weekdays then weekend might be free! haha..
well just 26 more days till i'm done with last paper and waive good bye...

how i hope u ask me out... =)

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