Saturday, August 29, 2009


i guess there will be a time for ppl who like genre - rock, alternative, indie or just like me who can't really named what label our preference is, and put our music to - "is just different"
and adding on "from those trend follower and chee bye techno".. haha..

well for me leaving the boy band is all or majorly due to this informatics world. when i was introduced to more kinds of genre.
this song, that i'm gonna upload, which i found to my delight while youtubing is some of those that shaped my liking..

ahh.... what great music.. i remember how amaze i was, back at no more then 16 years old, when i first saw the music video.. screaming with my inner voice "this is TMD nice!" haha..
well... time really flies..

updated : like a few mins later when i start checking up all my fav band.. haha
WTF??!!! oasis disbanded??!! NO!!!!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

new alarm clock


that's the way..... new alarm clock.. whhoo!!! haha..
my mum bought it.. along with my badly/desperate for it new goggles and trunk.. whaha.. THANKS ma..

Sunday, August 23, 2009

my clock 25.80

this might be one of my dumbest moment, being sabotage by my own curiosity...

out of curiosity and partly because i'm bored.. i wanted to see what happen to my clock which i dropped the day before... the min hand came off.. although it still can be use but it just ticks me off when i can't read minutes.. haha...

so grabbing my gear.. i expose my clock.. and it turns out me snapping 2 wires...
and me without soldering tools pratically means i've just wasted
bloody $25.80... WTF....................................
RIP... clock that have been waking me up for 4 years.... bye bye..

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


i'm bringing you to..
somewhere only we know... =)

total addiction to keane's song.. haha!

of course it was just as nice, after i heard In Finite Flight's cover


Monday, August 17, 2009


is almost like a snake and ladder game.. where some moves might get u to another ladder up and some moves might just pull you down like a snake..

life that is..

interesting.. how i've survived my 19 years.. interesting how dramatic my thinking and body have transformed and differ from just 3 years back.. just like snake and ladder game.. i step up to a ladder..

well ahead of me now.. a gigantic snake, ready to pull me down anytime i expose my weakness.. ah!

have i gone so far in a circle just to see where i fell? i'm greatly demoralised..

i kept in mind what mum told me.. 乐,要用功.. now awaits me is just that opportunity that is promised to come when i put in effort..

no longer i wanna be the one to browse facebook and got envy by the photos taken by my friends.. (one by one.. they caught their chance..) and complain what i've missed and grief over it..
IT's OVER! THAT! is over....

ps. i promise myself
living life to it's fullest..

Sunday, August 2, 2009

