Saturday, August 29, 2009


i guess there will be a time for ppl who like genre - rock, alternative, indie or just like me who can't really named what label our preference is, and put our music to - "is just different"
and adding on "from those trend follower and chee bye techno".. haha..

well for me leaving the boy band is all or majorly due to this informatics world. when i was introduced to more kinds of genre.
this song, that i'm gonna upload, which i found to my delight while youtubing is some of those that shaped my liking..

ahh.... what great music.. i remember how amaze i was, back at no more then 16 years old, when i first saw the music video.. screaming with my inner voice "this is TMD nice!" haha..
well... time really flies..

updated : like a few mins later when i start checking up all my fav band.. haha
WTF??!!! oasis disbanded??!! NO!!!!!!

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