Friday, December 25, 2015

hope not the last merry post!

Hi all, merry christmas.....

its another year.
let's treat this as my last post. im having a hard time to even login to the website with my failing memory of hotmail's password haha..
my name was lalalor... hahha that's almost 10 yrs back since anyone called me that.

i graduated! from uni.. it was june or august (i cant even rmb the month) since graduation, and my motivations to conquer the marketplace slowly dims... now what's circling in my mind maybe how much i can earn for the month and really how to getby.. oh my...

i joined osportz with eugene, have been working hard clinching programs and creating programs... my sole excitement at work now maybe the coming taiwan training camp in feb and later the championship in july 2016.. have been training hard running, climbing, swimming.. it came such a shock to me when i ran 11:48mins for ippt... hahhaa what a joke... the addition of 3 mins since my last ippt might be also from my 9kg weight gain hhahahaha..... basically im a bump now... im overweight (75kg) and lost my physique..

it all started from an ankle injury then it leads to many other joints failing and of course ill discipline have push me southwards.... was really fortunate now the ankle joint have stabled and im back to running again! can't wait for the many adventure ahead with my soon to come fitness.. haha

have been thinking about the future. much uncertainty, much potential too. im spoiled for choice. haha.. that's really like what i posted many years ago "一百种生活".. well social media sure did not help by showing even more possibility of how others led their life and how not to. im just confused maybe.. didt want to make a wrong choice to be exact... i pray for clarity... a clear path ahead...

2016 will be fantastic for me..
it will be..
and it will be for my future is with You Lord.....

what's in my mind now
1) Career
2) money
3) fitness
4) future GF (haha what....)
5) the CG's thanksgiving
6) how to spend my 2015 countdown
7) money
8) money
9) money
10) and yes money, and im quite hungry now.. ahh damn gotta lose weight......

Be hardworking willard.....
you are blessed and highly favored...
don't try to make a living, just live :)

Friday, January 2, 2015



hope this is not the last.

for now

viva la vida.................................................