Saturday, July 23, 2011

some went their own way

"I love the infantry because they are the underdogs. They are the mud-rain-frost-and-wind boys. They have no comforts, and they even learn to live without the necessities. And in the end they are the guys that wars can't be won without."
-Erine Pyle

不是grass is greener at the other side
而是you are always looking at the other side

just 11 more weeks i will be commissioning.. to now i have not regretted choosing infantry as my vocation.. indeed we have come a long way and we know more shit is coming our way still.. haha... we welcome with open arms those who joined us and gave out best wishes to those who progress without us..
nevertheless.. all of us.. choosing to stay here thru this 39 weeks of tough training... is a decision that is life changing... =)
push for our last stretch! 82/11 Charlie wing!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

after jcc

21 days out of homeland.. 9 days of wilderness...
EX.normad, explorer, forager, trekker
finally completed jcc.. "purpose-discipline-professionalism"- lakiun camp's motto
this motto have kept my team moving and many times navigate us back on track.. been deeply impacted by the teachings and experience brunei has offered..
a little more i cherish this peace time she build..
a little more i stand in awe this world He mould...

披上一份绝心 继续勇敢下去
next up starlight, panther and of course the long waited commissioning..


一场戏 一首歌 一辈子
跟着旋律摆动 也是一种用心
一份情 用一生 细细品尝
简单的相信 幸福就在下一站