Sunday, June 12, 2011

a little of myself a little of just now a little everywhere

just went to onsight with chow and vincent.. that place so boring! maybe because it's new, they have yet bring in "life" to their tiles and gym....
even when the gym is not that fun i still enjoyed myself...
- i realise i don't just love climbing.. i love the companies..
gg to brunei, jcc, soon.. so excited and very nervous..

so now i'm officially left with 8 more days, a spoiled bb(damn the customer service center), a broken toe nail and some anxiety before i fly off to lakiun camp...
i want it.. desperately for the badge to be sewed on my smartest 4.. but then again it's not the pride i'm heading and reaching.. it's the experience.. the decision to be specific.. i want to come to a point where i, being physically tired yet, make that decision to press on.. - to move on

never i want to look back thinking i could have got it.. i want to look back, i did it....

recently, while searching for my stuff in my garang guni room, found my kk ltc trip's diary..(actually i only wrote a few sentences).. read what jacob left for me back at sabah.. a quote that change my life..

"going outdoor to find yourself again" -jacob...

it seems a little familiar.. like gg to the wilderness to wrestle for 40 days.. haha...
it makes a picture.. He taught me a lesson...

i guess the desire to impress have overtaken the desire to excel..
now i'm gg back to the basic, to the start, to the heart... and really move on this time...

Moments where i sit around with my friend.. letting time pass us by.. waiting for something to happen..

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